Skeletons in the Closet

I found a skeleton in the field today – no flesh or fur on it, just the full back bone and a couple of legs.  I dug it up from the ground over the other side of the field to Mummy.  When Mummy called me to return to her, I just didn’t want to leave it, but I knew I had to obey Mummy, so I dragged it all the way back to her.  It’s now hanging on a tree as a trophy!  Mummy wasn’t sure what it was, but it was at least as big as me – we think possibly a fox.

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3 Responses to Skeletons in the Closet

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Is it still hanging up in the tree?

  2. Zen says:

    Mummy’s not been able to find it since, so don’t know if it’s still there and she’s just being stupid, or if anyone has moved it.

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