Monthly Archives: August 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma

Happy Birthday Grandma.  She won’t tell us how old she is, only that it’s her birthday.  I wonder how she’s celebrating… Mummy phoned the consultant today – apparently I can start short walks a couple of times a day from … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Fun, Health | 2 Comments

Skeletons in the Closet

I found a skeleton in the field today – no flesh or fur on it, just the full back bone and a couple of legs.  I dug it up from the ground over the other side of the field to … Continue reading

Posted in Fun | 3 Comments

Strollers and Sleeping Places

Mummy has been taking me out in the stroller every time she takes Zen, Shandy and Casey out for a walk.  I’d much rather be running with them, or even on a lead walking, but being in the stroller is … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 2 Comments


Oh dear – I think Zen and I are in trouble.  I wanted to have a little fight with Zen this evening to reinstate my position in the pack and let him know I was back, but I don’t think … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Fun, Health | 1 Comment

Out of Sorts

I’ve been feeling a bit out of sorts this evening.  Having spent a few more days with Grandma, I don’t feel that I belong to any pack at the moment.  Which is my family – cousins Sparky and Gizzy, or … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 2 Comments

Walkies – well, sort of

As I hate being left behind when the others go out for a walk, but aren’t allowed out for at least another 3 weeks, and even then probably only short walks for over a month, Mummy has bought me a … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 3 Comments

3 weeks down…

It’s 3 weeks today since I had my op, and I’m already fed up of not being allowed out of the house and garden – and having to be on a lead in the garden.  I feel fine most of … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 1 Comment