Monthly Archives: July 2010

Hal’s Home

Mummy collected him this morning. It’s lovely having him home, even if I have to share my cuddle time with him.  He did growl a bit at me, and Mummy got rather worried when we started to fight – I … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 2 Comments

Get Well Message

Mummy has created a “get well soon” page for Hal, so that he knows everyone is thinking about him.  Please sign it and wish him well:

Posted in FCP, Health | 1 Comment

Good Luck Bruv

Good luck with your operation – we’ll keep all our paws crossed for you.  We saw 2 magpies this morning, so hopefully that’s a good sign. Mummy said that the nice vet will call her after the op, so hopefully … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 4 Comments

Where’s Hal?

Hal left me instructions on what to write on our blog for today if he didn’t come home this evening, but as I didn’t believe that he would stay away for a night I didn’t really listen – sorry, Hal.  … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 2 Comments


Mummy has bought us some Ribbies, and we each had one both yesterday and today – and they are lovely!  We’ve been on our best behaviour since they arrived just so that we can have one. Apparently they are New … Continue reading

Posted in Food | 2 Comments


Apparently I’m going to see another new nice vet, at a special place that none of my brothers have been to. My nice vet doesn’t know what is causing the pain my my elbow (he thought it was going to … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 2 Comments

Miss You, Bruv!

Mummy took us all for a walk this morning, but then took Hal out to the garage before the other 3 of us had breakfast – why did she do that?  And then after breakfast she disappeared with Hal, and … Continue reading

Posted in FCP, Health | 1 Comment