Remember that bed that Mummy made for our birthday? Well, having seen how much we love to spread out on it Mummy wondered whether it was a bit small for us so she’s spent today extending it from 1.5m to 2m in length (it’s still 1m wide) – and amazingly it’s got thicker in the process. I always thought that if you stretched something it got thinner, so don’t know how that happened. Do you think Mummy’s powers are restricted to beds, or do you think she can do that to other things as well? I must admit it looks really comfy now – can’t wait to go to bed tonight.
Just think if your mummy could stretch & make fatter a steak or a juicy bone…
Mumma took me to the top of our Mountain yesterday ~ she said it was her birthday ~ wonderful way to celebrate, taking me for a long walk! I loved the Forest section, but didn’t really like the wide open bald montain top as I couldn’t hide up there. OT tagged along & only just made it to the top & then he fell asleep. If you can get your mummy to bring you here, maybe mumma will take you up there, or maybe she will teach Annon the way as Annon walks a lot faster than mumma up hills.