I’m in Training for the Grand National!

Well, the vet may say that I’m not allowed to run too much, jump or do any agility, but what does he know?  I just love being a puppy, and a Springer puppy at that. 

When Mummy saw me running towards her from the next field, with a 6ft wide ditch between us, she was worried that I’d plan to run down the ditch and up the other side as I’ve done so many times in the past, with the risk of landing heavily on my bad leg at the bottom if I didn’t get my stride just right.  So she stood in a position to try to slow me down and force me to take things steadily.  Silly Mummy, you needn’t have worried – I sailed straight over the top of it and landed right next to her (with an added bounce for good measure).  Mummy was so worried that it would have hurt my elbow, but I was fine for the rest of the walk.

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