Hal Swam!

Yes, Hal actually swam today!  We went back to the Cotswold Country Park and Beach as it was hot today, and Hal decided to join me for a swim.  I’m sure it was the ducks that tempted him to go out deeper than normal.  He nearly caught one that he chased – everyone thought he had, but he’s not that mean (and he has the feathers to prove it!).

2010-07-09-02.jpg     2010-07-09-03.jpg     2010-07-09-04.jpg

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3 Responses to Hal Swam!

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Could you take Keila swimming, please! She can soak you instead of me, then..

  2. Janice says:

    Hi Hal & Zen

    Well done Hal for going in the water for a swim. You all looked as if you enjoyed your holidays, all the pictures are lovely
    Love & Hugs To You All xxxxxxxxxxxx

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