Skinny Fox

A skinny fox turned up for us today – and it is very skinny, although very furry.  It looks as though it will be fun to play with, although Mummy has not let us have it yet – she says that we’ve got to wait as we have enough toys.  But puppies can never have enough toys…

Oh, Mummy has just corrected me – apparently it’s a Skinneeez Fox – well, I still think it’s skinny!

We saw a horse and cart trotting round the fields during our walk this evening – Skoryy, we did look out for you running along at the side, but didn’t see you.  Shandy worried the driver as he got rather close to the wheels, but we all knew he was just playing “chicken”!

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2 Responses to Skinny Fox

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Tell Shandy that cart wheels HURT! I make sure that I’m either behind or have another dog between me & the wheels after the cart got a little too close to me. Arthur got run over. Mumma has a funny thing in my yard under a huge bit of plastic. She says it’s for Big Horsey & she wants BH home to play with it. I may have a running carty thing now, but it’s nothing like Poppymummy’s.

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