Go Faster Stripes

I don’t know if it’s that funny nose spray that the nice vet gave us yesterday, or the new diet supplement that Mummy’s been giving us for the last 4 days, but I just couldn’t stop running on our walk this afternoon.  And the other 3 weren’t much better – we just had so much energy….

We didn’t meet any of our friends this afternoon, but we did get to walk / play with Big Oscar and Ted (Golden Retrievers) this morning, and also met Wally (Great Dane) and Amber (Labrador).  And yesterday we got to walk with Jonty (Field Spaniel) and Todd and Little Oscar (Westies).  We love it when we meet our friends, and try to behave as best we can so that Mummy will let us walk with them.  We had a good run around with Big Oscar this morning, until Ted turned up – then Oscar wanted to play with Ted rather than us 🙁 .  Still, Hal tried to take them both on in a game of Tug-Of-War (not quite sure who won that one).

Guess it’s time to relax now until tea time…  Hope Mummy’s got something nice for our tea tonight.

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4 Responses to Go Faster Stripes

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Yous clever internet puppies: can you answer some questions that have been bothering me, please:
    Why do peoples keep changing their fur & why isn’t it as nice as ours? Mumma won’t take us out until she has her day-fur on

    Why do peoples walk on only 2 legs? Mumma was so slow in going up another new walk this day & I’m sure she could keep up with us if she used all 4 legs. She does say that 1 leg doesn’t work, but she has a leg extension for 1 leg…

    Why can I only see the Great Sky Dog in the Winter, where does he go to in the Summer

    Why isn’t my food as nice as mumma’s & why does she eat so many different things; why doesn’t she kill anything to eat; why is her food hot?

  2. Skoryy Lovok says:

    It says you have 2 replies, but I can only read 1, why?

  3. Hal says:

    That normally happens when someone leaves a message, but then gets the maths wrong – either that or Zen can’t count!

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