It’s been snowing again. We like it when it snows, as we tend to see more of our friends in the fields. Don’t know if all our friends are not as hardy as us, or their Mummy’s don’t like the wet soggy mud, but we do miss them when they don’t walk in the fields. And we made a few new friends today – we always like making new friends.
We visited Grandma, Grandpa, Sparky and Gizzy this afternoon. Mummy said that Grandma is having an operation on her knee on our birthday (seems a strange way to celebrate our birthday) so she doesn’t know when she will be able to go for a walk with us again, so we had to make the most of Grandma today.
Mumma says I’m a very bad boy & I’m hiding. Piri told me that mumma likes to have her chickens undressed, so a Piri pup & I helped her undress 1 of mumma’s little hens. Mumma does NOT like naked hens & the hen didn’t like the idea much either. Mumma told me I killed the henny that lays my eggs ~ no more eggies 🙁
We’ve only ever killed 2 sick pigeons and one rat – but it’s not through lack of trying!
How did you undress the hen?
We pulled her feathers out ~ there were feathers all over the yard, so many feathers. No eggies & I can’t get into the shed to check. I do go be a starvelled puppy 🙁