Starlings and Bobbing Bowls

I found a dead Starling on our walk this morning.  And I was so good and didn’t run off with it, instead taking it to Mummy and laying it at her feet.  I think Mummy was really pleased with me – I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I actually didn’t like the taste of it.

I got a little carried away eating my breakfast – Mummy puts our bowls on tubs to raise them so we don’t have to strain down at ground level, and in my enthusiasm I ended up pushing my food bowl into our water bowl.  How am I meant to eat my food with my bowl bobbing around in the water?

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One Response to Starlings and Bobbing Bowls

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    My bowl used to be on a stool, but I kept eating from all the bowls on the ground & now I have a huge stockpot thing!

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