Hal still has to stay on a lead on his walks, but the other 3 of us went off for a good run today. We were right over the other side of the fields when Mummy called us back – first by voice (which we all ignored) and then by whistle. Casey and I responded to the whistle and ran straight back to Mummy, but we’re not sure if Shandy heard it and ignored it, or whether he didn’t hear it (he does seem to be going deaf). So, putting my lessons from the holiday into action, without any prompting from Mummy I went to fetch Shandy and bring him back. Running to him, and I had to go down a dip, and whilst I was there Shandy decided to change direction – so he wasn’t where I expected him to be when I emerged the other side. But I still found him and brought him back to Mummy – she was sooooo proud of me again.