Nasty Clothes

Mummy put on those nasty clothes this morning that indicate she’s going into the office and leaving us for the day.  How could she, and after we’ve had such a lovely time recently.  We tried our best to stop her – Zen grabbed her wrist and I went for the skirt – but she still left us. 

Our friend came round to spend time with us in Mummy’s absence – we haven’t seen her for a while, so it was good to be able to play with her again.  But I think she was a bit surprised by our welcome – it was a full 10 mins before she managed to get a lead on us to take us out for a walk.  I hope that doesn’t put her off and she comes back again soon.

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One Response to Nasty Clothes

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Did your friend come back again? Mumma tried to escape without me yesterday, but Poppy & Rocky had told me that if I want to go too, then I must run after the big white thing. I did, but wished I hadn’t ~ we didn’t go to Poppymummy’s as I thought, but mumma & I had to spend ages & ages & ages & 2 meals in the back of the big white thing as Poppymummy drove across Ireland to collect hens. But my bestest food was waiting for me on the way home, so it was almost worth it & I did get mumma all to myself ALL day

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