Water and Ducks

Down the dog park this morning we met a Welshie on a lead – how can anyone keep a Welshie on a lead?  He did say that he had problems with his hips and hence couldn’t run round too much, but we knew that he wanted to play with us. 

We went to the local Water Park today – first was a walk beside the canal – well, it was meant to be alongside the canal, but there was too much greenery for us to see any water.  Then we went to the Cotswold Country Park and Beach (a beach in the middle of land?), where we all got to have a play in the water.  Zen had a few swims, chasing the ducks.

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On the way home Shandy worked on his reputation – sleeping around!  First he used Zen as a pillow, then Sparky:

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2 Responses to Water and Ducks

  1. Skoryy Lovok says:

    Ummm, weren’t you kept on leads when you came to me?! ducks isn’t for chasing, ducks is for rounding up & for eggies, lots of eggies…

  2. Hal says:

    We didn’t see any eggs, so chasing the ducks was 2nd best.

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