Mummy took Hal training with us today – that’s not fair. That time is meant to be for me and Mummy 🙁 . Mummy started training with me whilst a strange man had Hal – but after a while he was creating enough of a fuss that we changed round. Well, I didn’t like that, so created a fuss of my own, and we changed back again. Another couple of changes, and I decided I’d had enough, so I started creating such a fuss that the poor man could not do anything with me – so it was decided that Mummy would have to work Hal and me together. Now, that was interesting – both sitting or lying at the same time, turning left and right, walking to heel…. We also had another (big) dog brought into the centre of the ring to act as a distraction, but we were very good and tried to ignore her. I hope that Hal doesn’t come next week….
I’m a Daddy!!!
Who’s the Mummy? You never told us you had a girlfriend. I hope she’s not going to expect maintenance from you… Have you seen your sons and daughters yet?
Piri had a boy & 3 girls & I’ve got to sniff them. They look funny & bthey’re black & white ~ I wonder if they’ll grow more white as they get older…
Hello, Hal and Zen, nice to meet you through your blog.
Mummy says you guys go to school and learn good things, so I should do the same! I am so glad there is no such thing for a small bird. Well, mummy tries to give me some “training”, but I always ask her for a cuddle so that she cannot continue it! I know she is a bit soft.
Good luck with your exam tomorrow, make your mummy proud 🙂
Thank you for your good luck wishes for tomorrow – we’re starting to get rather nervous as we’ve not taken an exam before and Mummy says that it’s a serious event.
When do we get to see your training? I promise, we would try really hard to behave, even though we do rather like chasing little birds….