Slick Hedgehogs

After a year of putting up with Mummy grooming us, she’s bought us a Hedgehog Slicker.  I can’t believe what a difference it’s made for us – it’s so much more enjoyable than anything else she’s used on us.  It’s very effective at cleaning our fur of mud and other country bits and pieces, and yet is gentle with us, and leaves our coats lovely and soft and shiny.  Mummy has used a similar brush on us before, but it’s just not the same as the slicker.  And our Cavie brothers enjoy it as well – we’d certainly recommend it for all you other Welshies and Cavies out there.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s a picture of it:


“Ergo Hedgehog Slicker brushes, with anti-slip handle design are excellent for deep coat grooming.  They are designed to combine a combing and brushing action in one tool.  The longer bristles remove dirt and grit and the shorter bristles polish the coat.  Stimulates hair follicles to promote hair health.  Excellent for grooming curly/short/wiry/long/and silky coat types.”


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3 Responses to Slick Hedgehogs

  1. Gizzy says says:

    Hope Mummy doesn’t see this as she might want to get one for us and we don’t like our fur pulled about and brushed.

  2. Skoryy Lovok says:

    That looks good for my coat ~ or it would do IF I wasn’t such an expert at grooming myself! Maybe mumma should get 1 for Twiglet

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